Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Many Colors of Katy

I need help making a decision.  I am in a wedding in September for one of my best friends from high school.  When Kaylene asked me to be in her wedding, I happily agreed and told her it would be an honor to stand beside her and say that I support this marriage.  The next time I talked to her, I had to ask her a question that I hoped she would be honest with me. 

"What color do you want my hair to be at your wedding?"

This may sound funny to most people.  But if any of you facebook stalk me, you will see listed as #3 under my personal interests is "Changing the color of my hair".  I am possibly one of the few woman out there who is proud to admit that my color is ANYTHING but natural, and hasn't been since I was a sophmore in high school.

Kaylene laughed.  She told me that she didn't care, that I always choose something that looks good on  me.  How very un-bridezilla of her.  I appreciate her flexability, but it doesn't help me answer the question. 

So I'm asking for your help.  Honest opinions only.  I'm even providing a nice retrospective of the many colors that I've worn thru the years so that you can see what we're working with here.

This is high school Katy... long blond hair, usually worn curly, with those parted bangs.  (Damn those 90's bangs...)  I think this particular picture was taken sophomore year, right about the time that I started coloring my hair.  I never did anything drastic.  I did just enough during the fall and winter months to make my mousey brown roots match the sun bleached blonde highlights that I got from playing softball.

Now for college.  I was pretty consistent with the varying shades of blonde, only varying the lengths.  I kept it long my freshman year and chopped it (a good 10 inches I think) right before I met Kendall.  And that's when people started telling me that I looked like Baby off of Dirty Dancing.  Which I've been told isn't so bad because no one puts Baby in a corner. I promptly started growing my hair out again.

I believe this was Fall 2002.  This was when I met Kendall. He may have had something to do with the beverage in my hand.

House Party Spring 2003 I believe.

Homecoming, Fall 2004. (And yes, I may have posted this picture because I recognize that this was the skinniest that I ever was and I selfishly want this picture to be on public record;)

Summer 2005 in Thailand.  I loved how the humidity of the climate made my curls form.  What I didn't love was how much my hair stood out.  This was one of the few nights out that I actually wore my hair down when out on the town. I found that when left like this, I would have Thai children (or teenagers...or adults...) come up behind me and quickly pull strands from my head, only to run away as I turned around to confront them.  I was told that the long, blonde, curly hair was seen as a good luck charm.  I still don't see how its considered lucky if you are inflicting pain upon the person who has the hair that you want...

I begain changing my hair more and more frequently after I graduated in December of 2005.  I think that this may have been in part because I was trying to re-establish my own identity in my world that continued to see changes in such short periods of time.

Fall 2006.  Started to get a little bit darker, added a little bit of red.

Fall 2007 - darkest I had ever gone (at that point) and short again.

I should make a side point here, as I look at these past photos and the ones that I have left to upload.  Don't ask me how I make these faces.  Sadly, this is natural (?) when I know there is a camera on me - especially if I have been drinking.  The above photo was taken at my cousin's wedding.  You can guess the state of mind I was in.

Right before our wedding I grew my hair out and went blonde again (Summer 2008).  It was Kendall's request.  Actually, now that I look back I think this may have been the blondest that I ever went. 

By the next Spring (2009) I was back to brunette.  The decision was made in part because I was cutting way back on my personal expenses budget since Kendall was in grad school and also because the vast majority of girls in Colorado wear their hair dark.  Looking at this photo, I should point out that this is the closest I have ever been to my natural hair color.  There are still some highlights in there, so I can't say that it is 100% natural.  When I think back to this time, I remember that I loved not coloring my hair, but hated how flat the color looked.  Definately not a "multi-faceted color" (or whatever Beyonce says in that Lorelle commercial).  I also chopped my hair, another 10 inches, at the inaugural Hairraiser event which donates locks of hair to create wigs for Northern Colorado women with cancer who can't afford to purchase a wig on their own.  Best free haircut I ever got and I am happy to say that I am still involved with the day of planning for this event (will be in it's 4th year this year).

This is Fall 2009.  Dark with undertones of red.  I think this was my favorite.  Kendall will admit that out of all the hair colors I've had, outside of blonde, this is his second favorite.  But he makes sure that he emphasizes that its his second favorite Outside of Blonde.

Oh- and you can make fun of the 50's style flip but there's not much I can do about it.  I try to flat iron my hair completely straight and it still makes an appearance. 

I kept it this color for a long time.  Up until Summer of 2010 (a whole 9 - 10 months!), and that's when I started going a little bit crazy with color.  I don't have great pictures of some of the better ones, but lets just say that for a while there - I loved 'chunks' of color.  There's probably a reason why I didn't keep many pictures... and these are not looks that I will consider for Kaylene's wedding.

I went back to a more normal streak of colors in 2011, although have been going for dramatic changes by going from one end of the spectrum to the other at each hair appointment (about every 2 months).

Spring 2011. Again, at a friend's wedding.  I say that to explain the face.  I blame the wine, not the person.

I should also point out that this past summer was the first since we moved to Colorado in 2008 that I was able to wear my hair somewhat curly again because we had a touch of humidity.  Apparently I need at least 25% for the curls to form.  (Not at all like the 80 - 100% humidity felt in Iowa summers).

Fall 2011 Tailgating at the CSU/Boise State football game.  Back to blonde.  Pair that with tailgating and Kendall's as happy as a clam.

I don't have a great picture of the color that I rocked this fall/early winter.  I went from the above blonde back to a brownish red.  It wasn't quite the same as the above color that I listed as my favorite.  Which is why I think I was ready to try something different again at my appointment two weeks ago.

Finally, here's the color that I have decided to try out for the first couple of months of 2012.  We decided that its the same color as Left Hand Brewery's Milk Stout (the beer I am holding below, and a personal favorite).  It might be the reason why I love the hair color so much.

While the change is a bit shocking (it is the darkest I have ever gone) I  think that this color works on me because its pretty close to my dad's natural color.  You know, if he wasn't bald.

So let me know what you think.  Or maybe, after seeing all these pictures, Kaylene will come back to me with an actual opinion.  Personally, I think that the darker tones fit my personality more now but I also know that Kaylene's family grew up with me being blonde.  Obviously, I'm up for anything and I have 8 months to work my way to any color.

PS- Somewhat related to my love of coloring my hair is my love for wearing wigs or dressing my hair up for theme parties.   When these photos get posted, someone always asks me if this is a new look for me.  Lucky for Kaylene, I know well enough to stay away from the below colors for the day of the wedding.

Although I did kind of rock the pink....

 Tour de Fat 2010.

Dazed and Confused theme party, Spring 2010.  And yes, that is actually my real hair sprayed red and teased into a fro.  As the movie states  "Red's a good color for you, man."

Tour de Fat 2011.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Second picture that you list as Fall 2002 is actually late 2003/early 2004. I bought that guitar in summer of 2003, and you wore that shell necklace all the time (see two pics down). And once again your high school pics scare the hell out of me.
