Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting It Done Before the Mayan Calendar Runs Out...

I am stealing this statement from my friend Amanda's blog:  I swear I did not abandon you, I only needed to take a short hiatus from blogging.

And by short, I mean a seven month hiatus. 

Much like Amanda, it was with good reason.  2011 kept me very busy.  So busy, that for the first time in a very long time, I felt like I could barely keep the pace that I was running.  Between the new job with a demanding travel schedule and skill set, trying to continue to serve as our neighborhood "cruise director", keeping the house clean and put together, playing hostess for the many friends and family who came to visit, (not to mention helping a husband heal from a very invasive ankle surgery this fall) writing out updates and thoughts was one furthest things from my mind.  I don't think I even had time for my own thoughts since May until just recently... I felt like I was permanently set on auto-pilot. 

I have missed it - blogging that is.  I never dared to think that any of you would miss my posts (this is directed to my loyal 8 followers;).  It wasn't until my cousin's wife Joanna asked me what happened to my blog while hiking that I realized that some people were interested, and maybe even amused, by my bantering. 

That was last October.  I was still a running a little bit behind this fall...

So I'm back, because its the time of year where you start things over.  And I will admit that I am rusty.  Please forgive me, loyal 8 followers.  I will do my best, and I hope that my best will eventually get better.

On New Year's Eve, I found myself toasting to 2011 for all of the challenges and blessings that it brought to my life.  2011 was not without it's share of moments that were difficult - but I am fortunate enough to see challenges as opportunities.  Opportunities are easily turned into blessings, if you make them into such.  At least that's how I look at it.

For many years I have only made two New Year's resolutions.  Never any more, never any less.  One is to be a simple change in every day life, the other more a philosophical, poignant challenge that will impact perspective.  For example - one year I vowed to learn to pack only 1 bag when traveling (the size of bags could be changed if necessary) paired with the desire to show more appreciation in my every day life.  I have reminded myself to write more detailed to-do lists with realistic deadlines and learn to let things go if it is something that I can not control thru my own actions and decisions.  Last year my goal was to never carry a balance on a credit card and to be more selfish in my actions because I struggled in justifying doing things for just me. 

Usually the simple change happens.  It takes a bit more work to come up with the idea of, not to mention alter, an internal attribute that needs to be confronted.  2012 seems to provide the opposite, as I am struggling to come up with a simple resolution but have easily identified the bigger picture affirmation.

I need to find balance. 

I need to remember to slow down. 

I need to remember to breathe. 
(This is a literal statement, there are times in my life where I forget to breathe because I'm too wrapped up in what I'm doing or watching.  It's usually followed by a sigh of some sort, something that annoys Kendall tremendously.  Or is, at the very least, something that he makes fun of constantly).

I may feel that I need to get things done and get them done NOW - especially since each day is closer to the end of the world (if you follow the Mayan calendar, which so many of us do now-a-days).  But really, do I?  Do I really need to get everything done the minute that I think of it, the minute that it comes across my desk, or the minute that a friend asks me about it? 

No, I don't.  Especially with a memory like mine.  I won't forget about it;)

So here I am, toasting to 2012 with all of the unexpected, beautiful moments to come... and here is me working on finding balance between now and December 21st, 2012.  If the world lasts past then, I will keep working towards it.

My simple, every day resolution has also presented itself to me after re-reading this blog a few times thru.  I really need to stop relying so heavily on emoticons and parathensis. Feel free to call me out on it if you see any in any future blogs, emails, text messages, or so on.   I think you, my loyal 8, know me well enough to know when I am being coy or have an additional side point that I would like to make. I left them in here to prove the point (which is that its annoying;). 

And yes- I did that last bit on purpose but am now really struggling to now put a smilely face on the end of this sentence... this year's resolutions are going to be hard....


  1. I missed your blog too! Now you have 9 followers. 10 if you count Grandma Marie.
