Thursday, February 3, 2011

Everyday Super Powers

I'm a big fan of demotivational posters.  It began a few years ago when I worked at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  There were pages upon pages of motivational posters for sale in our office supply catalogs, none of which we could afford to purchase because we were a non-profit and had no money for such frivolous things.  However, when there is a will, there is a way.  My way was cutting out the 2 inch squares from the office supply catalogs and posting each monthly motivational posters behind my desk on an 8x10 paper.

I still keep in contact with my co-workers from the CFF, especially during event weeks.  I have started the tradition of sending them cards made from demotivational posters to give them a laugh in an otherwise stressful week, often with themes that stem directly from my experiences in that office.  The first card I sent had a poster that stated "If you can smile while in the midst of chaos, then you may not truly understand the gravity of the situation."  It was a favorite for a long time.  Until I came across this little guy.

Humbling, isn't it. 

However, that's the exact reason why this poster has become my favorite.  It's humbling and uplifting at the same time.  Yes, I am unique! As is my husband, my roommate, each and everyone of my friends... we all bring a little something different to the table: a different perspective, a different talent, different values and abilities.   These little somethings that everyone brings to the table, I like to think of as everyday super powers. 

Doesn't just saying everyday super powers make you feel like you could conquer the world?!  Even if you're having a bad day where it seems like the world is full of people out to get you (let's just call them henchmen to stay with the theme), all you need to do is imagine your cartoon voice over introduction.  Mine would probably sound something like this:

Able to see something good about every person or situation regardless of how asinine it may be to do so!

Can coordinate large groups of people, whether it be for a theme party, kickball team, happy hour, or girls night, in a matter of moments!

Don't try to talk your way around what's happened in the past boys, she has the memory of a steal trap!

And damn, she's confident enough in herself that she doesn't care if you think she looks ridiculous in those tights!

It's Katy! 
And she rocks! 

 Meanwhile... back in the blog....

So the next time you're having a bad day, remember that you are unique... just like everyone else... and try to remember what your everyday super powers are.  

Points to anyone who creates their own theme song.

Extra credit to anyone who calls me up and shares it with me.

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